Labourer, 38, remanded for raping 11-year-old daughter

A 38-year-old labourer, Moses Udoh, has been remanded in Correctional Centre by an Ondo State Magistrate Court sitting in Akure for allegedly sexually molesting his 11-year-old daughter.
Udoh allegedly committed the crime on November 26, 2024, at 10:20 pm, at his residence located at No. 20 Igboniki Street, along LAO, Akure, the state capital.
According to the prosecutor, Taiwo Oniyere, the defendant had on many instances had carnal knowledge of his daughter forcefully, which he said caused harm to the victim.
Oniyere informed the court that Udoh threatened to kill his biological daughter if she revealed the intimacy between them to any of their neighbours, family, or her friends.
The prosecutor further stressed that the offence contravened Sections 25(a) and 86(2) of the Ondo State Violence Against Persons (Prohibition) Law of 2021.
While narrating the agony she had endured over her father’s sexual molestation, the victim said, “My father has been forcefully having sexual intercourse with me through my front and my back.
“Whenever my father was sleeping with me in the night, he would increase the volume of his MP3 radio so that my voice would not be heard by neighbours around.
“He instructed me not to tell our neighbours about it and also threatened to kill me and the person. When I noticed that blood was coming out of my anus, which is now causing discomfort for me, I decided to tell his sister.”
With the plea of the defendant not taken by the court due to the nature of the offence, Oniyere urged the court to remand the defendant to the correctional centre, pending legal advice from the office of the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP).
Magistrate Temilola Olusola-Olujobi subsequently ordered the remand of the defendant in Olokuta Correctional Centre in Akure.
The magistrate, however, ordered the transfer of the case to the family court and adjourned to December 10 for trial.
Labourer, 38, remanded for raping 11-year-old daughter

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